We’ve all heard the old adage, “They sure don’t build them like they used to.” Well, this expression has never held truer than it does today. Not to take anything away from the craftsmen of the past, but thanks to the technological advances, the houses built today are some of the sturdiest, most energy efficient ever constructed.



Roofing on homes installed before 1982 lasted 15 years, maximum. Now roofs last at least 20 and are hail resistant. In addition to better roofing, new homes are complete with spray foam insulation. This eliminated drafts and compromise crucial for keeping down home heating bills. The contemporary attic design also includes much better ventilation for improved circulation and protection from temperature change.


Building Codes

There were NO codes prior to the late 1940s and fire safety concerns didn’t even exist. Energy efficiency concerns didn’t exist prior to the 1980s. Moreover, the toilets and appliances use a lot less water, which is now funneled into homes with indestructible PVC piping.In addition to these fundamental instrumental components, such as rust prone steel plumping, newer A/C and heating are much more efficient than ever before, complimenting more efficient insulation perfectly.



Houses built at the turn of the century are very well constructed. Construction used to include such quality finishing as ‘finger jointed’ studs and trim, quality solid wood throughout without any press board and better accent hardware. There are, however, many points builders of a hundred years ago didn’t have the means to take into account. With advances in home construction, housing is much more efficient, saving you thousands on heating and cooling, and have insurmountable internal construction reliability. New construction makes homeowners’ lives so much easier than those buying homes even 10 years ago.